5th International Workshop on
Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems
Berlin, April 3-4, 2000
A Formal Specification and Verification of a
Safety Critical Railway Control System
This paper describes an important experiment in formal specification and
validation, both performed in the context of an industrial project jointly performed by Ansaldobreda Segnalamento Ferroviario and CNR Institutes IEI
and CNUCE of Pisa. Within this project we developed two formal models of
a control system which is part of a wider safety-critical system for the management of medium-large railway networks. Each model describes different
aspects of the system at a different level of abstraction.
On these models we performed verification of both safety properties, in
the hypothesis of byzantine errors or in presence of some defined hardware
faults, and liveness properties of a dependable communication protocols. The
properties has been specified by means of assertions and temporal logical
formulae. As a specification language we used Promela language, while the
verification was performed in the Spin.
Note: The content of the following files is part of
GMD Report No. 91
and subject to its copyright.
Last modified: Wednesday, 19-Apr-2000 08:57:51 MET DST,
Axel Rennoch