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14th International Workshop on 

Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems 

(FMICS 2009)

Eindhoven, The Netherlands
November 2-3, 2009
Venue: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

** Attention Practitioners of Formal Methods: **

** FMICS 2009 wants to Gain advantage of your Experience! **

FMICS 2009 is actively soliciting practitioners to present posters that describe how formal methods work in real-world, industrial critical systems.

Poster contributions

Poster contributions are sought in all areas of formal methods for industrial critical systems with a particular focus on practical experiences:

- Tools for the development of formal design descriptions, code generation and testing with a focus on their industrial applicability (e.g., scalability and usability issues).

- Formal techniques and tools to support automated analysis, certification, debugging, learning, optimization and transformation of complex, distributed, real-time systems and embedded systems.

- Case studies and experience reports on industrial applications of formal methods, focusing on lessons learned or identification of new research directions.

- Impact of the adoption of formal methods on the development process and associated costs.

- Application of formal methods in standardization and industrial forums.

- Applied research project overviews.

- Speculative, late-breaking results.

Why should I present a Poster at FMICS 2009?

The most obvious reason is to get your own work highly visible in a competitive forum. But it's also a chance to share your wisdom about formal methods with an appreciative audience. Evidence about the utility of formal methods is much more valuable when it has been carefully written up, formally reviewed and published in a citable proceedings. Poster descriptions will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volume for FMICS 2009.

Poster descriptions

Poster descriptions need to present a clear thesis and provide supporting evidence that might include:

- insights gained from real-world projects using formal methods.

- comparison of formal methods with informal or semi-formal methods in the context of an industrial project.

- legal issues encountered when using formal methods in a real-world project.

- obstacles to commercialize SW Tools based on Formal Methods.

- real-world constraints that created special challenges for formal methods in general.

Poster submissions

Submissions must be made electronically through the EasyChair system.

Attached to the poster, authors are invited to submit an extended abstract through the workshop paper submission web pages. Each accepted poster will have up to 2 pages in the LNCS proceedings, and a 10 minute slot for presentation in a plenary poster session. Authors of accepted posters will be expected to present them in person at Eindhoven. Posters will also be displayed during the workshop, and particularly before the poster session.

Important dates

Submission deadline 5 June 2009
Accept/Reject notification 22 June 2009
Camera-ready version 15 July 2009
Workshop November 2-3, 2009


FMICS 2009 is part of the first Formal Methods Week (FMweek), which will bring together a choice of events in the area, including TESTCOM/FATES (Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems and Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software), FACS (Formal Aspects of Component Software), PDMC (Parallel and Distributed Methods of verifiCation), FM2009 (Symposium of Formal Methods Europe), CPA (Communicating Process Architectures), FAST (Formal Aspects of Security and Trust), FMCO (Formal Methods for Components and Objects), and the REFINE Workshop. For the latest information on FMweek, see